The Two Brothers Detective Agency is a collection of six mysteries solved by two young boys aged six and ten. Pete, the younger boy, is excitable, intuitive and has a vivid imagination while Adam, the older one, is calmly rational in his search for clues. Together they make a good team. Young readers follow our young boys as they find treasure, catch a spy, deter a mad scientist, catch a werewolf and engage in other exciting adventures.
The Case of the Gemstone Murders
New Bedford artist Anna Rendle, her husband in prison, begins a new life by selling her art, and teaching. When the bodies of several mutilated women are found, a terrified city goes into virtual lockdown living behind shuttered doors. Anna learns the victims are all named for jewels. How then can she and her buddy Joe protect her two students, Chrystal and Garnet, from harassment by a young thug and possible killer? Their friend Pearl is maimed at the Whaling Museum and soon after, Anna’s long lost kid sister Beryl arrives from California. Working as a nightclub stripper she is smitten by the attentions of a brutal lowlife calling himself Leonardo. How Anna and Joe bring the killer to justice will keep surprised readers on the edges of their seats.
Mo, Cat of My Heart is about a most unusual cat. Once a street urchin, Mo won the hearts of all who met him both the cat lover and the cat indifferent. His guest appearances on his master´s Tools for Sale website made him known and loved around the world. He appeared on cable TV in his hometown. Learn Mo´s hunting techniques, developed for the indoor cat, including the use of the blind.
Read about his array of tricks and amusements designed to prove that “pussycats just wanna have fun.”
Tragically Mo was born with a congenital heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. He lived only four and a half years. Proceeds from this book will go for cardiomyopathy research.